Saturday, June 26, 2010

My Blogging Debut

I delivered my precious twin daughters 2 1/2 years ago. Since then, I've only taken 6 showers and brushed my teeth about 17 times! Miraculously, I still have quite a few friends & my husband still chooses to sleep in bed next to me every night.

Life with twin girls HAS started to get easier over the last few months. My precious Vivian (with "boingy, boingy hair") decided to start taking naps around March & our new community in Katy has opened up a wide world of child-friendly possibilities for daily entertainment. We love it here!

Speaking of possibilities, I now have more time to shower and brush my teeth in a week. Everyone around me is grateful! Furthermore, I even have time to pursue two things that I've wanted to do for a long time: photography & writing. While I'm slowly progressing in my picture-taking abilities, I decided to reserve an outlet for my other passion--writing. Simply put, all of my thoughts, observations & learned lessons were started to stumble all over each other in my head. I needed a "filing system" for all the above. Hence, my BLOGGING DEBUT! I should go take a shower, but this is way too much fun...


  1. Looks GREAT!!! I can't wait to read more!!! No more showers...just kidding!

  2. I'm so excited...I just added you to my blog list!!

  3. Yeah Marlo! Welcome to the blogging world!

    Can't wait to keep up with you!

  4. Happy Late Birthday, Friend. I'm excited about my new "blog-venture"...ironically, i've only read about 10 other blogs total. I could really get hooked, couldn't I???
